81 articles

Frequently Asked Questions

Elmedia Player doesn’t jump to the next file in playlist

Make sure that you have enabled each of the "Go to next playlist item if" options in the SWF tab in Preferences. ...
Jan 4, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out whether I’m using PRO version or not?

Select "Elmedia Player" --> "About Elmedia Player" option from the main menu. If you are using the PRO version, you will see ...
Jan 4, 2023
What is an MKV File
How to

How to Play MKV Files on Mac

Despite the popularity of MKV files, macOS doesn't support this format by default. While you can find various methods to make QuickTime ...
Dec 22, 2022
Elmedia MPV Player
How to

How to Open MPG File on Mac?

Although you can open MPG files on macOS using a player such as QuickTime player, you might want to consider using a ...
Dec 22, 2022
What Is an AVI File
How to

How to Play AVI Files on Mac?

The default macOS video player, QuickTime, has compatibility issues with the AVI file format, making it challenging for users to handle AVI ...
Dec 21, 2022
Open MPV file
How to

How to open and play MPV files on Mac

Stumbled upon a video file with an .mpv extension but can’t open it? The fact is that Mac users cannot play MPV ...
Dec 21, 2022
What is MXF File
How to

How to Open MXF Files on Mac

MXF files are used in the broadcast industry primarily but have other uses as well. However, macOS does not support them out ...
Dec 20, 2022
How to

How to Open NSV Files on Mac

NSV is not a widely used format and most devices and players struggle in opening it. We are here to help you ...
Dec 15, 2022
Elmedia SWF Player
How to

How to Open SWF Files on Mac

Adobe Flash Player is one of the most popular video players, but it only works on PC. That means if you're using ...
Dec 14, 2022
FLV Video Player
How to

How to watch FLV Videos on Mac

One of the most popular file formats when it comes to media content is FLV, and when it comes to Mac users, ...
Dec 8, 2022